I love a good love story, and the Porsche Cayman is one of those.
In pursuit of the, "you've got your chocolate in my peanut butter and you've got your peanut butter in my chocolate," controversy and decades long debacle, the Porsche Cayman is the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup of conglomerations. Sure it's a Boxster with a permanent hard top. And sure Porsche put a lower performing 6-cylinder engine under its mid-engined frame as not to step on the 911's toes. But toe stepping, indeed! Crocs, the lovable shoe salvation of the scrubs-wearing (and often chain smoking, but never around oxygen tanks) employee, and those that throw caution to the Birkenstock wind, have fallen prey to whims of the auto manufacturer.

In a surprising, and quite humorous, move (wait for it...wait for it), Crocs named their latest $30 shoe the Crocs Cayman. (0-60 in what!?!? You are actually wearing those outside of the house!?!?) Hold on a sec. A Porche Cayman is $50K and the Crocs version a mere $30? Porsche is calling foul and saying that name infringement exists. Crocs have every intention of defending its namesake versus that of Stuttgart fame, Nurburgring speed, and a reputation of nationalism as the all-around purveyor of the global cold shoulder.
And the stage is set to be settled on none other than the Cayman Islands in the ultimate name
infringement battle royale! Tickets are on sale and the proceeds with go to pay for ever-increasing fuel costs as duty-free shopping and that special discount jewelery purchase await. Bah-humbug to frivolous lawsuits and bah-humbug to the lyrical shoe stylings to those that come up with lame names for shoes (and some cars). Smelling blood in the water and adding insult to injury, Crocs was further under fire by a new lawsuit citing another name infringement. Championing the cause from the other side was a familiar face and advocate of all things croc (no, not those Crocs). Crikey! With Crocs and it's legal entanglements, the time couldn't be better to get your Porsche on!

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